Tumbling is used in many formats and sports. Dancers tumble, cheerleaders tumble, gymnasts tumble and tumble/tramp athletes tumble. Those that pursue diving also need a good foundation of tumbling. Even traditional sports like soccer and football are finding benefits from this age-old form of physical fitness.
Which one is the right fit for you? This depends on the goals you have.
At The Rock we have catered the class to meet those needs.

Cheer Tumbling
Cheer Tumbling classes are designed for the current or aspiring cheerleader to increase his/her tumbling capability. Every cheerleader needs the basic back handspring and this class focuses on just that. Whether you are just starting or working on a series of back handsprings to a back tuck we can help. The instructor will use numerous equipment aides to make progressions (trampolines, tumble tracks, rod floors, octagons, peanut mats, inclines, etc…) The Rock has helped many athletes make competitive cheerleading in their schools and All-Star squads in the area. With proper technique, there is no end to what you can learn, so don't settle for less! Learning proper technique does take more time than rushing through skills. However, the wait is worth it when you realize that there is no limit to what you can learn with a solid foundation and with proper technique, injuries are greatly reduced.

Trampoline & Tumbling
This class teaches the student the “sport of T&T”. There are three apparatus for this sport: double mini trampoline, trampoline and tumbling (on a rod floor – super bouncy). The recreational classes in TnT can advance into a competitive level if desired. The class will teach the foundational basics of all three apparatus’ and helps the students to know how to safely jump on all trampolines to enhance your child’s balance, posture, and aerial awareness. The levels for this program are:
Momentum – beginner level of T&T teaches the approach to double mini, how to bounce this fun piece of equipment and land properly. On trampoline the curriculum will teach level 1 & 2 skill routine (learning to continuously jump from skill to skill).
Accelerator – This class takes the foundational skills and begins the mastery of levels 1 & 2 and training of level 3 skills. The round off back handspring is a major focus for tumbling. The double mini incorporates the flips that have previously been taught on trampoline. Trampoline will work on getting the incredible height of jumps that these athletes show so effortlessly. The next step from this class can be competition teams if desired.